Live Trades
Our trade copier service is now available for those traders who may be too busy to take all of our Premium Signals. We take the signal trades for you, and they are automatically copied over to your account.
To copy our trades you will need to setup 2 installations of MT4; one for our master account, and one for your own account. Then install a Local Trade Copier to copy our trades to your account. You can run it off your PC/Laptop, but be aware that you would need to leave it running 24 hours a day. We highly recommend setting it up inside a VPS if possible. Here are the links for a good VPS company, Local Trade Copier, and a setup video where we go over setting up everything step-by-step. If you have any questions. please don't hesitate to ask!
VPS Video:
Ionos (1&1) VPS:
Local Trade Copier